Continuous Integration with Jenkins

Continuous Integration with Jenkins


When it comes to continuous integration, one of the most critical considerations is the tool being used as there are a lot of CI tools with their respective features. In this article, I will focus on how Jenkins, a continuous integration tool, can be used. Let's get right into it.

What is Continuous Integration?

Continuous integration is a software development strategy that increases the speed of development while ensuring the quality of the code that teams deploy. Developers continually commit code in small increments (at least daily, or even several times a day), which is then automatically built and tested before it is merged with the shared repository.

What is Jenkins?

Jenkins is a DevOps tool used for monitoring the execution of repeated tasks. It is an open-source continuous integration server written in java with plugins built for achieving the development, test, and deployment of newly created codes. It is used to implement Continuous integration workflows known as pipelines. If you want to know more about Jenkins, kindly click this link;

Benefits of using Jenkins

  1. It increases the scale of automation
  2. It requires little maintenance
  3. It offers hundreds of plugins to support building and testing virtually objects
  4. It is a java-based program ready to run with an operating system
  5. It can easily setup and configure via a web interface
  6. It can distribute tasks across multiple machines thereby increasing concurrency


We have seen how important Jenkins is as a continuous integration tool and how it can be used for different CI purposes. It is important for developers and engineers to be familiar with this concept so as to build more skills.